Receiving Compliments and Getting Back to Work

I looked up a person who was instrumental in first professionally recording The Little Wretches, and so as not to breech confidentiality or violate a trust, I will keep that person's name out of this post. But....

I thanked that person for having had a profound impact on what was then my future course, and the reply was something like, "I don't think anybody interacts with Robert Wagner without a permanent effect." That is comforting to hear/read because, having no children of my own, I often wonder if I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. You know, one of the songs central to The Little Wretches' ethos is BORN WITH A GIFT, and though the song is ostensibly about John Creighton, I sometimes wonder if I wasn't writing prophetically about myself. Am I squandering my gift? Am I deluding myself with the belief that I possess a gift?


The words that I received this morning bolster my faith. Thank you, _______.

Today, I am returning to Pittsburgh to convene the first rehearsal for the recording of our next album. Back to work.

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